Organizing Committee
Georgia Kokaraki
Committee Co-Chair
Co-founder of BioInnovation Greece
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
Nikos Kyrpides
Committee Chair
Co-founder of BioInnovation Greece
Head of Microbiome Data Science Joint Genome Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Georgios A. Pavlopoulos
Committee Co-Chair
Co-founder & CEO of BioInnovation Greece
Director of Bioinformatics - Research Professor, IFBR - BSRC “Alexander Fleming”, GREECE
Director, Center for Clinical, Experimental Surgery and Translational Research, BRFAA
Professor of Pharmacology & Systems Physiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, & President, ARISTEiA Institute
Local Organizing Committee
Eleni Aplakidou
Bioinformatics PhD Candidate
BSRC 'Alexander Fleming', Greece
Fotis Baltoumas
Senior Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Researcher, BSRC 'Alexander Fleming', Greece
Senior Bioinformatics Engineer, Ancilia Biosciences, USA
Iro Chasapi
Bioinformatics MSc student
NKUA Dept. Informatics & Telecommunications, Greece
Maria Chasapi
Bioinformatics MSc student
BSRC 'Alexander Fleming'
NKUA Dept. Informatics & Telecommunications, Greece
Panagiotis Michailidis
Infectious Diseases MSc Student, DUTh, and Co-Founder & Coordinator, Panhellenic Student Conference of Bioscientists, Greece
Biology Student
University of Patras, Greece
Pharmacy Student
University of Patras, Greece
Panagiota Makrinou
Bioinformatics MSc Student
NKUA Dept. Informatics & Telecommunications, Greece